Frequently Asked Questions


Bikemates is your courier agency for biking couriers. We are recruiting for various delivery services including Zapp and similar companies. With Bikemates you will be able to work for different companies on the same contract which gives you lots of flexibility in the shifts you can choose from while keeping your personal finances organised.

Our working model is perfect for you if you like to keep a flexible schedule, want to have a good overview over your work opportunities and love to try out different things.

Go to your app or play store and download our very own Bikemates app. There you can create an account and check out the plenty of jobs that we have available. In the meantime, our support staff will check and verify your account and contact you in case there are any questions.

We are convinced that anyone can be a great Bikemate - prior experience as a bike courier is therefore not a necessary requirement to work with us. Nonetheless, we always love to have experienced riders on board as well!

We do expect you to fit well into our motivated, dedicated and ever-improving team! There are also some additional requirements that you should meet:

  • Be enthusiastic about biking
  • Be ready to provide excellent customer service
  • Know the streets of Amsterdam - or get to know them quickly!
  • Be a flexible and dedicated member of our team
  • Be available to work during the week and the weekend, even better if you are also willing to work night shifts!

There are, however, some administrative prerequisites including:
  • You must be at least 18 years of age
  • You must be an EU/EEA citizen or have a permit to work in The Netherlands
  • You need to have a BSN
  • You have to have a personal bank account onto which we can transfer your salary

We offer all our employees a basic wage. On top of that you can earn exciting bonuses and tips which vary depending on the company you are working for. For example, at some companies you can get up to €5 per delivered order. For other companies we like to give a holiday bonus on special occasions.

* hourly rate including holiday allowance (vakantietoeslag) and excluding tax

  • You have to show up to all your shifts on time.
  • If you cannot come to work that day, please make sure to let the HR department know as soon as possible, however at least 4 hours before the start of your shift.
  • If you cancel too late and we cannot find a replacement for you, it will be considered a no-show which can have consequences on your performance score.
  • Be nice to your colleagues, office staff and staff at our partner organisations. Inappropriate behaviour may lead to the termination of your employment.
  • Alcohol and drug use are strictly prohibited during the shifts. Breaching this rule may lead to the termination of your employment.
  • Treat company-owned equipment with due care. Read more about our bikes below!

You will get paid every 4 weeks

On occasion you can request an advance payment of a part of your salary. Please contact support to learn more.

At the moment we are only operating in and around Amsterdam.

Please contact support in the bikemates app as soon as possible but no later than 4 hours before the beginning of your shift. We will then let you know how to proceed. In some cases you will have to present us with an official sick note from a doctor, in other cases you might have to call in with the company to let them know you are not coming.

The bikes

Our in-house fleet consists of Swapfiets Power 1 and Power 7 E-bikes, however, some of our partner companies do supply their own bikes.

There are some simple rules attached to the use of our bikes:

  • Always lock your bike and take out the battery when left unattended. If either gets stolen you will have to reimburse us for the loss. The cost can go up to €3000 so be careful!
  • Treat the battery with care: please recharge it as soon as possible
  • Since the bikes are supplied by Swapfiets we get free maintenance and repairs there.
  • Please contact our Bikemates support team in case you have a flat tire or need any other assistance for your bike. We will then help you to book an appointment with Swapfiets.
  • Repairs made by an external provider at your own cost without any prior communication will not be reimbursed.
  • Make sure to follow all local traffic regulations, including not to use your phone while biking! You can use a phone holder in order to follow directions via Google Maps while working.
If you are working for us regularly, you may be able to take your bike home. You can then use the bike in your free time, however, you may not use it to work for any other companies. You have to also follow the same rules and guidelines when you use your bike in your free time as when you are on duty - so always make sure to lock it and recharge the battery properly. Also contact us in case your bike needs any repairs.

Unfortunately, we do not reimburse fines. The only exceptions are made in very individual cases and if special conditions are met, including:

  • The incident happened while you were scheduled to work for us and did not occur due to your own fault.
  • The fine concerns a broken light or similar issues and you informed us before the incident about the need for a repair.