Become a bikemate

Download our app and start biking

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FedEx courier

Sign up steps

To get started as a courier with Bikemates, follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Download the App
To begin your journey as a Bikemates courier, you'll need to download the Bikemates app. Simply press the "Download on the App Store" button if you are an iOS user or the "Get it on Google Play" button if you are an Android user. This will take you to the respective app stores where you can download the app for free.

Step 2: Create an Account
Once you have downloaded the Bikemates app, open it and create a new account. You'll be asked to provide some basic information such as your name, email address. Please ensure that you provide accurate and up-to-date information.

Step 3: Complete Your Profile
After creating your account, you'll need to complete your profile details. This includes adding your profile picture, specifying your location, providing any relevant experience you may have as a courier or cyclist, and other details for becoming an employee.

Step 4: Verification Process
Once you have fully completed your profile, an operator from Bikemates will verify your details. They will review the information you provided and may contact you if they require any additional information or clarification. This verification process ensures the safety and reliability of the Bikemates courier network.