Flexible Courier Services for Last Mile Delivery

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FedEx courier

About us

Bikemates is a courier company that specializes in providing flexible and hassle-free courier services to businesses operating in the fast-growing last mile delivery market. Our expertise lies in delivering a wide range of items, from packages to prepared meals, meeting the increasing demand for instant home delivery.

We understand the challenges businesses face in finding and managing a reliable team of couriers. Therefore, we have built a system that takes on the administrative burdens of recruiting, scheduling, and monitoring the performance of delivery staff. By partnering with us, you can focus on growing your business while we handle the logistics.

Whether you require additional courier support during holiday periods, busy hours, or to cover instances of maternity leave or illnesses, we have a solution for you. Our company employs experienced and flexible couriers from our talented pool, allowing us to fill your staff capacity gaps seamlessly.

At Bikemates, we take pride in delivering exceptional service and exceeding our clients' expectations. With our dedicated team, you can trust that your deliveries will always be made on time, without any compromise. Join us today and let us help you elevate your delivery business to new heights.

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Some of our partners

FedEx Logo Gemeente Amsterdam Logo Tessa meal prep service Logo


Bikemates B.V.

Laurierstraat 88H, 1016 MC Amsterdam
